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Main » 2009 » January » 15 » Community of Future Inernational Business Auditors
Community of Future Inernational Business Auditors
10:42 PM
Hi everybody! We are Natasha, Tanya, Nastya and Gleb.

You know, there in a wonderful Academy in the Far East of Russia. This is Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law.

It is one of the greatest educational centers in the Far East of Russia and the only higher educational establishment that trains qualified specialists for all spheres of economics and law. Nowadays Academy is one of the most popular Far Eastern universities. Studying here is not only prestigious but also perspective.
Future certified specialists in the field of economics, law, management, banking, finance, insurance, accounting, auditing, statistics, foreign economic activities, commerce and marketing get education at Academy.

So, we study here and our major is Audit of International Business.

Now our basic discipline is accounting. Later, on the 4th and 5th years of studying it will also be auditing (which means checking accounting if it is accurate). And, since we are supposed to be International Business auditors, we also learn English deeply. This combination of English and accounting distinguishes us from other majors of Auditor Faculty. Also we have a lot of other disciplines related to economics, law, math, geography and ecology. So, after graduation we are supposed to be qualified specialists with very broad outlook.

So, what does being an accountant means? It doesn’t mean that we count everything and everywhere, we have just special skills for it. Accounting is something which is necessary and just useful in business activities of one company, of the whole country’s economy and, perhaps, even at your home. The aim of accounting is to calculate the financial results of your activities, to keep all of your resources under control and to prevent it from disappearing anywhere without your permission.

But being accountants doesn’t mean that we are so extremely attentive and careful in our everyday life. We are sometimes late to our classes, we make mistakes and then correct our faults, we can be lazy or hardworking from time to time, because we are just usual students and we enjoy our status very much.

We studying in group, which means that we have the same students of one major attending the same classes together constantly, day by day. For example, there are 28 people in our group. Every group has it’s formal leader, who gives us all necessary information and marks who is absent.

Seeing each other every day during all 5 years of studying in the Academy, we have became friends. Every year (sometimes several times a year) our group goes to picnic, where we fry meet, play games, sing, play guitar and just have fun. Sometimes we go to the theatre together. In canteen we usually sit around one table, discussing common issues. Of course, we are very different: with different tempers, different interests, but at the same time we identify ourselves as members of one community – our student group, and we are always ready to give each other a hand.

In Russia, they say, that friendship built in your student years lasts during all of your life. And we can ourselves experience that it’s true.

Being student is supposed to be the best years of our lives – we are young, clever, and ambitious, there are so many prospective, freedom, and a lot of unpredictable events waiting for us in future. I think it would be sincere to say that we are really happy, and the years spent studying in our Academy have no way to be ever forgotten!

Views: 657 | Added by: Zagogulina | Rating: 0.0/0 |
Total comments: 5
5 Dmitry  
Well.. You just do not have the rights:) You can add new text as the comment.. And how about the pictures?

4 Zagogulina  
Well, Dmitry, could you please explain me, how to correct the post? where is the button "correct" or smth like that?
Could you please contact me by ICQ?

3 Gleb  
Is it possible to edit?

2 Gleb  
Wait!!!! don't send this blog there we have smth to correct!!!!

1 Dmitry  
No external links, please!! Upload pictures from vkontakte. Will be better! At least I cannot see these two. I don't think students of Stanford have the vkontakte account to see the pictures smile

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